Home away from home
Leaving is always the hardest part. Maybe finding a way to yourself after the end of the day is much more harder in the new city. This is my second article on — ‘home away from home’. In the first one, I have shared my how grateful one needs to be, and how one should navigate the path of belongingness in the city. In the shadow of positivity, I realised I didn’t mention the part of realistic feeling which we all feel at the end of the day.
We all envisoned ourselves in the state of the bubble when we are about to move into a new city for the first time. There are pro folks who does it really well, but yet they also fails. I wish life could be out of Karan Johar’s movie, where Simran could meet Raj at the airport, and live happily ever after. To break the silence, life doesn’t work in linear way, it has it’s own algorithm.
There are some of my feelings which I have felt in last few months, and which isn’t so good :
/ When you come back home from office, and open the door of your house. There is a hope for someone to cheer you up, say your name or just shout at you; all you get to see is the empty bed, and your grumpy face in the mirror. In this moment all you wished was to be at home.
/One might feel even after meeting so many nice friends over the period of time, they couldn’t find someone to call at any point of time. Well, many says, you have friends in different town, but that’s not the point. Sometimes you feel like to sit with someone in the city, you just want to go out on a drive, and conversation shouldn’t make any sense. So simple yet so difficult to find.
/ There are days when I really want to hug someone tightly, and it doesn’t have to have any reasons. These are cravings which I’m getting too much these days. If you ask me for a reason, then I would rather say — I just want to feel home. Home here means just safe and comfort.
/ Making friends in a new city is a like new cup of coffee which you may or may not enjoy. Sometime it works out or sometime it’s really bad like your bad cup of coffee. Juggling between one or another, one feel exhausted. Still, you show up with a smiling face next morning, and that’s something to be proud of.
/ Paying own bills is a feeling of independent, and who doesn’t enjoy it. You learn how to manage crises, and how to get through the tough time. Saving is the key element here. Save, Save and Save! Learn before it’s get too late, and you succumb yourself under debts.
/ This isn’t the first time you will be getting to know the person. It’s a kind reminder to your heart, don’t give yourself entirely to a person just because it feels nice. Take your time to trust someone, and protect your little heart at times. It’s too much for us to contemplate who is who — so just listen to that sweet voice in your heart. Trust me, it’s right most of the times.
/ You are your own rock! This achievement comes with a price. But when you are here, you are all set to go! Learn to embrace yourself, and enjoy your own company. At the end of the day friend, you spend most of the time with your own self.
/Ah! Food. Food is something which I have taken for granted just like my childhood friends. Never knew the importance until I moved to a new town. I wish I could tell you a magic to bring back a your own favourtie dish on your table but just keep eating healthy. First, eat!
/You don’t owe the kitchen here. You patiently wait for your friend’s tea to finish in making, and allowing the aroma to take every corner of the kitchen for it finally be your coffee’s turn.
/ We get exicted when we see our notifications is filled with our loved ones. Just a text message, ‘ hey, are you free to talk?’ , they reply — ‘ hey not today. How about tomorrow?’. With a sad face, you pateintly keep the phone away. Crawl yourself in a blanket with a favourite show on Netflix, and sleep peacefully.
/Mornings are filled with a lot of rush which you expereince in 30 minutes. You run around the house, few things might fall in the process, and yet somedays you aren’t able to find house keys. This particular you miss home, and want to have an extra hand. Then you realise, you are all by yourself, and start looking for keys.
There are days that are loaded up with energy, joy, chuckling, the epiphany yet there are likewise days that are loaded up with pity, forlornness, reserved, exceptionally irritable and so forth. It’s okay to feel either. Remember to feel grateful about what you have today, and stop worrying about what is to come.
When things goes down, close your eyes, and remember your loved ones. Things will be better on it’s own. It’s difficult to be alone in the city, yet you are able to do it, which matters the most. It takes a village to bring you here.
Leaving with you the following :
‘Settle down, it’ll all be clear
Don’t pay no mind to the demons
They fill you with fear
The trouble, it might drag you down
If you get lost, you can always be found
Just know you’re not alone
’Cause I’m gonna make this place your home’ — Phillip Phillips Home