Slow down on ‘love’
We are in the era of time, where we get to witness various colors of love on Instagram through reels, stories, and cringy captions. All it does to us, desperate need to find someone who makes us feel this way. Is this wrong or right, this is something you got to decide for yourself. The feeling of FOMO hits you right!
I understand the desire of it but wait for the love which will hit you in all right ways, and it will happen when you least expect it. Love that shows at your doorstep on a cold wintry evening when all you are doing is sipping hot chocolate and enjoying the music. A love that gently takes your hand and when you press your against their chest, all you feel is their heartbeat. I understand with each passing day even we want to experience what others are experiencing, and all you do is cuddle yourself and binge on shows. But wait for the love that respects you, and doesn’t make you second guess about yourself. It will bring the best version out of you and believes in you with an insane amount of depth. Love which won’t take you on sprint and leaves you, but which will stay for a long time until the end of the world ( it should feel likes this, otherwise what’s the point?) It comprises of two most important words ‘commitment’ and ‘companionship’, the interlink between these two is as important as love. This love won’t make excuses for their mistake and will accept it from their heart. Someone willing to trust you and tries to their best of ability to understand your story, emotions, and intent behind words.
In the world of receiving everything in one click, love can’t be fast forward and you can’t have it one click. Wait for the love that is gentle on your heart and brushes delicates fingers on your hand to embrace your scars and beauty. Love isn’t beautiful every single day, it has its days of ups and downs, and you gotta stay during the heavy rain. Wait for the love that survives the turbulence of storms and messy days. The days when you are at your worst and you forgot to believe in yourself, love should be beside you in these times. It may all sound fancy and a big fairy tale, but what life is if we don’t dream what we want? We all wanted to be loved and beloved. We all deserve to be loved and love will follow you sooner than later. In the process just do not forget to give the same to others, because it’s all about sharing and fitting right into each other. Choose love that stays and makes you feel calm.
Choose to love and learn to love slowly and steadily.